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Imperfect Heart
Imperfect Heart
Jeff Holden

Imperfect Heart is a podcast designed for, hosted by and recorded with those affected by or involved with the care and support for those with the birth defect of a Myocardial Bridge. Interviews with healthcare professionals, support professionals and those navigating their way through the often challenging process of diagnosis and treatment are the focus of the content. It’s their stories that are meant to inform, educate and even entertain in an effort to insure hope for the listener that what they are experiencing is real, that they are not alone and that there is hope for relief from the varied symptoms of a Myocardial Bridge. The host, Jeff Holden, has his own story to tell from symptom to diagnosis to treatment thus giving him insight and empathy as well as experience in the process of advocating for the patient. The program also seeks to make the healthcare industry more aware of the real symptoms of Myocardial Bridges with an aim to eliminate the gaslighting that is so prevalent around this defect and directly address the reality that Myocardial Bridges may be responsible for many more deaths from sudden cardiac arrest than previously thought. Early diagnosis and treatment could not only improve but may actually save lives when properly applied. More information can be found on the podcast website,

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